Man In The Mirror

The word “man“ seems easy to define, because we can conjure up the picture of an adult male human being.

Everyone knows at least one man, at home, school, work or in the mirror. The one in the mirror is the one who gets the main focus here….

This exploratory course is is to uncover the mysteries and masks of masculinity.

Each society or group within the society, interprets the raw materials of existence in its own way. Its interpretative practices help to distinguish a society, a group, or gender.

The meaning of being a man is becoming more varied, contradictory and inconsistent than ever before, these days.

To have a particular psychological identity, social role, cultural script, place in the labour force and sense of the sacred brings up questions of our experiences, as well as what we have been taught, verbally and nonverbally.

In traditional secular modern industrial cultures there are three main ways of describing „real men“. They earn money and support their families. They have formal power over women and children in those families as they are physically stronger. They are heterosexual.

Establishing affectionate bonds with other men, looking at friendships, fatherhood, brotherhood, friendship to find flexibility and broader scope in our attitudes towards these issues.

Man in the Mirror is a creative exploration of the concept of male identity and redefining the deceptively simple word “man”


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